Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Second Coming: A Pre-Mortem on Western Civilization

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The Second Coming: A Pre-Mortem on Western Civilization

There was a popular expression during the Vietnam War Era of the 1960s to the effect: “If Jesus is coming, he better get here soon.” The statement makes it clear that things are so bad that the only thing that can possibly save the situation is Christ returning to save the world. We are perhaps at this point today, though few people are aware of it or would agree that the current situation is this bad. This book explains why The Second Coming of Christ might be the only thing that can save the world from an impending darkness that could make the former Dark Ages seem tame by comparison.

What is the basis for such an outrageous assertion? The answer is simple: Demographics. It was more than 1,000 years from the time that the first Ionians moved into the coastal areas of current-day Greece and Turkey until Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were teaching students at Akademia. While we can only speculate about the immigration paths that were taken during this timeframe, it is believed that all of these peoples originated from a common set of ancestors, the Caucasians. Western Civilization remains decidedly European and Caucasian from its origin to this day.

But civilization is about to change. Caucasians are a race in decline, a result largely of their own talent and success. Unfortunately for them, they have not yet come to realize the full impact of the changes that are about to overcome them and the world. The intent of this book is to raise awareness of these upcoming changes, while recognizing that only the most dramatic intervention is apt to preempt the cataclysm that is likely to come.

There is a huge racial divide in American politics, but most people do not recognize it. The cause of differing views among different races is typically attributed to different circumstance, but rarely are different circumstances attributed to differences between races. This book examines how our confusing of cause with effect in regard to matters of race is greatly compounding the problem of a declining European-based civilization. To the extent that raising the issue of the causes of group differences can help slow, or even improve, a rapidly deteriorating situation, an objective reader will welcome this book.

With the influence of western culture having apparently run it its course, this might be the right time to conduct a pre-mortem â€" a beforehand examination of the causes of the end of Western Civilization that seems to be imminent. Then again, it might not be an end at all. It might be a new beginning more wondrous than anything imaginable. Whether or not such will be the case, it is always good to be prepared for dramatic changes that are sure to come.

List Price: $ 7.89


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